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Hi, I'm elena, and I offer somatic and energetic coaching to women on their journey to sovereignty, self-love, and main-character energy. I love working with women on listening to their own wisdom and Soul, rather than the voices of others, and naming their needs in relationship. Basically, I work with women with a history of people-pleasing (even if no one around you would think that’s what you’re up to). I help you take up rightful space, and live a life you love.

I offer tarot readings and astrology readings too, to answer life’s burning questions and offer you even more wisdom about your path.

I use a blend of somatics (listening to the body at the nervous system level), intuitive hits, energy medicine, and emotional processes to support clients in moving forward from old patterns, and open up to a pleasurable, empowered, soul-led life. Working with me is a combo of two of my core values: depth … and play. I believe in titrating into the dark, and resourcing with pleasure, to move toward wholeness. Working with me, you can expect to laugh as much as you cry. And you will do both!

Trainings: I’m a VITA sexuality coach, certified through the Tantric Institute for Integrated Sexuality with Layla Martin. I’ve completed Rebloom Coach Training Levels 1 & 2 with trauma resolution coach Rachael Maddox, and I have completed Alchemical Alignment: Bodywork for Trauma Resolution and Embodiment of Spirit, with Brigit Viskins, Years 1 & 2. I’m a nerd for learning all I can about healing on mind, body, soul and energetic levels.

My spiritual path began in 2012 with hatha yoga teacher training and reiki. I dove deep into sexual healing and conscious sexuality soon after, through the jade egg and conscious self-pleasure practices. There are times in my life where I identified as a sex addict and love addict, and times where I’ve experienced numbness around sex and orgasm. While sexuality is no longer the onus of my work, it is something I’m well-versed in, and happy to make space for in our work together.

My healing journey includes moving from low self-worth, extreme anxious attachment, relationships with narcissists and hyper-sexuality … to shedding codependence, finding secure attachment, and giving myself unwavering love. I’ve moved from people pleasing to right relationship with self and others.

I have a huge interest in all things spiritual and psychological: I’m well-versed/trained in energy work, reiki, tarot, astrology, depth psychology, magic, Enneagram, shamanic journey, jade egg, tantra, and yoga, just to name a few.

Want to read my (kinda intense) life history (minus the past few years of becoming a mama, which is a story of its own), through the lens of healing my sexuality and anxious attachment? Deep breath. Here it is!

About our sessions together

In our work together we will visit childhood and relational conditioning: the spaces where you didn’t have your needs for attention or love met. If you and I work together, we will go deep. Depth infused with joy and magic is my forte.

I will cry with you and for you. Not out of pity, but because you matter, and you deserve to have your big experiences held with rightful attention.

Our sessions are part mentorship, part somatic coaching and emotional processing, part meditation and magic: and all the continued discovery of your inherent wisdom.

I also work with people around childhood emotional neglect. So many of us were born sensitive, into family systems that didn’t celebrate our unique gifts. We may have been ignored, left alone, or silenced. This leaves a lasting imprint on our ability to love ourselves and meet our own needs. Through Rachael Maddox’s ReBloom framework, and through the incorporation of trauma resolution skills, I support clients in healing developmental wounds.

I’m here to help you recognize and move past blocks so that you can recognize your wholeness, feel easeful in your expression, and love others in alignment. I’m here to help provide a path to self-love, self-worth and aligned self-expression.

Most of my guidance is offered via Zoom. I live in Longmont, CO, USA.

certified sexuality coach