Imagine belonging, first and foremost, to yourself.
I invite you to really take that in. Breathe it into your bones, and feel it.
Maybe the idea is exhilarating. Or maybe it’s edgy, uncomfortable. We are taught to be partners, caretakers, friends, first. Anything else would be selfish … right?
But what if you felt into you, first?
What if you lived from a place of confidence and deep inner knowing, with a real understanding of your inherent worth and value? What if you embodied the knowing that you have real value in this world?
That you matter.
Who would you be if you were sure of yourself, if you loved your uniqueness? If you lived from a place of nourishment—not by overeating, compulsive sex, obsessions, or addictions—but from your connection to your True Self, and the Divine. If you allowed yourself rest. Allowed yourself to deeply feel into You before Others.
What if you really knew your needs, desires, values, and Self, in sexuality and in everyday life? What if you stood for these things in all your relationships?
Imagine the way your life would shift when you move forward as the real you, toward being the writer of your own story.
You would be sure of yourself, even in the most vulnerable moments.
You wouldn’t feel so held back by earlier challenges and traumas: sexual, developmental, or otherwise.
You wouldn’t take shit. And ironically, you’d be able to own your shit.
You could say, “I want this. I don’t want that,” with confidence, even to loved ones, even during sex, and even to those in positions of power.
You would be more yourself in relationships, and have more intimacy, and deeper connection.
You would live in alignment with your capacity, having the tools to get back up when life inevitably knocks you down. (Unfortunate spoiler alert: life will always have its hard moments; it’s how we respond to them that makes or breaks us.)
You would live a more peaceful, easeful life, the one you are meant to have.
All of this is possible. It just takes showing up, being soft with yourself, and perhaps working with a guide who will see you, feel for you, champion you, challenge you, and overall, remind you of your gifts, and tell you the truth: that you matter.
Your wellness matters, and your being here matters.
I would love to be with you on this path.
Connect deeply with Self, Soul, and Spirit.
Hi, I'm elena, and I offer somatic and energetic coaching to women on their journey to sovereignty, self-love, and main-character energy. I love working with women on listening to their own wisdom and Soul, rather than the voices of others, and naming their needs in relationship. Basically, I work with women with a history of people-pleasing (even if no one around you would think that’s what you’re up to). I help you take up rightful space, and live a life you love.
I offer tarot readings and astrology readings too, to answer life’s burning questions and offer you even more wisdom about your path.
I use a blend of somatics (listening to the body at the nervous system level), intuitive hits, energy medicine, and emotional processes to support clients in moving forward from old patterns, and open up to a pleasurable, empowered, soul-led life. Working with me is a combo of two of my core values: depth … and play. I believe in titrating into the dark, and resourcing with pleasure, to move toward wholeness. Working with me, you can expect to laugh as much as you cry. And you will do both!
Curious to know more about me? Read more here.
I have big dreams for women:
Creating our own lives, that reflect who we truly are and what we deeply desire
Knowing deeply that we matter, and tending ourselves with great care
Lives without override - saying Yes and No and Maybe in alignment with our desires
An ability to know what we want and receive it fully
Feeling a deep connection to the divine through sexuality and sensuality
Having the sex we want (not the sex others want! the sex we want - and if we don't know what that is, uncovering it safely and slowly)
Knowing our own Feminine cycles, and creating lives based on our own rhythms (such as living in tune with nature, the menstrual cycle, and/or astrology)
Knowing ourselves and our gifts
Having access to our own right-fit spiritual practice
Being able to ride life's big waves with support, rest and self-love
If you’re looking for a sweeter, easier life, filled with what you love, I’d love to connect with you.
Sound wonderful? It’s more than possible.
adjective /ˈsakrəl,ˈsākrəl/
1) having to do with the sacral chakra or second energy center. Where our sexuality, creativity, personal power, money & worth issues, and shame reside.
2) of, for or relating to sacred rites (rights)
noun /əmˈpouərmənt/