How does sex become such a fertile ground for what we call perversion?How do we take something so pleasurable, and twist in all kinds of darkness?
And once we take a turn down some dangerous, dark alley, can we come back?
on empowerment, boundaries, magic and self-growth
Much of time, my partner and I have such strong sexual energy that all I can feel is shivers and zaps and opening. My inner dialogue becomes something like, “let go, surrender, open, let go, omg, yes, yes, omg …” until there is no inner dialogue, just feeling and shuddering. We ride a warm energy spiral over and over, through my heart, into his, down through his cock, into my pussy, and back to my heart again.
Am I enough?
Intellectually I know I’m enough, but seriously, what a bore intellect is sometimes. Tell it to the little girl inside me. The one who turns from me, shrinking and playing dead, as I quit the job I hate, and begin surrendering the process to god, growing my little atrophied trust muscle.
I want a glamorous trust muscle, I want it jacked and tan and vein-ridden. Goddess, hear my prayer.